Hi, I'm

Joshua OgleOffline
Joshua Ogle (11:17 AM local time)

Staff Product Designer @ HashiCorp, making the cloud a better place to live

I lead UX design forHashiCorpHashiCorp's most trusted infrastructure automation tools and helped grow our design team to 40+ designers. Before that I was atthoughtbotthoughtbot helping startups find their market, and co-fouded a consultancy calledBrightbitBrightbit.

Case studies

Design consulting

I have led design projects from startups to big enterprise companies. No matter the size of the project, I believe in starting small, listening to what your users are telling you.


I love mentoring new designers and helping them learn the craft, especially if it involves getting designers to be more technical or our partners to get more creative.

Positioning Elements on the Web
Positioning Elements on the Web
On Markup and Layout
On Markup and Layout
Abstraction vs Skeuomorphism
Abstraction vs Skeuomorphism